🔥 🔥 🔥 Welcome! The search for the best bitcoin map app ends here! 🔥 🔥 🔥
➡️ We are happy to provide you with
at crypto coin accepting locations in your neighborhood or while you are travelling the bitcoin world map on cryptocurrency planet (formerly known as planet earth 😂).
➡️ You can enjoy features like the
, just hit the 💓 symbol right next to the listing of that crypto merchant.
➡️ Of course you can also
🥳 to get the word out about that coinmap with all these beautiful images.
➡️ The
, so that you can easily review a crypto accepted merchant with your already existing Google account.
➡️ The list of bitcoin friendly locations 💓 can be sorted by distance in km, if you allow the BMAP bitcoin maps app to access your location data!
➡️ You can use this coinmap service within the Web or you can install this crypto map service to your IPhone because it is a PWA 🎈 (Search for "install PWA IPhone"). This bitcoin app is available on three different domains, choose the one you like most! You can use http://bitcoinmap.cash or http://bmap.cash or http://bmap.app
➡️ Yes
😱, search for "Bitcoin Map" or "The Real Bitcoin Club" to find our social media from within their app. Alternatively you can visit our website http://coinmap.cash & click the links provided at the bottom of that page.
➡️ You can also
🌇, by providing the data of any crypto accepting place you would like to promote. Use this Google Form to send us the data, http://bmap.app/en
🏦, we do not list any bitcoin atms, we recommend you to use the already existing app called coinatmradar to do that, but if you choose to spend your bitcoins directly, without using any crypto ATMs then this bitcoin cash map is exactly what you have been searching for.
➡️ This app is specialized on
with very low fees like BitcoinCash, Dashpay, BitcoinSV or because of historical reasons, still accept Bitcoin BTC for their payments. But there is also lightning network at the end of the tunnel and many crypto places which we promote also accept lightningnetwork transactions.
➡️ We are not focusing on price like coinmarketcap, we focus on real cryptocurrency real bitcoin adoption which in the end will lead to the desired price!
##### TECHNICAL #####
This app has 100% open source code and you can contribute to it whenever you want, find the sourcecode on http://github.com/therealbitcoinclub its written in Java so far, but Kotlin developers are very welcome to participate.